Hi! I’m Jay!

I started this blog because people kept suggesting I start a travel blog. Go figure. I’ve traveled to 38 countries across five continents. I guess that’s worth sharing. Maybe? I dunno. We’ll see! It might sound impressive to some, but it’s really just scratching the surface. There are seven continents and 195 countries in the world. I have a lot of work to do!

When I’m not planning my next adventure (and now writing stuff for you to read), you’ll find me at home researching, reading, and doing all the mom things. I paused my career in digital marketing (which I absolutely love) to invest in my children as they navigated the world as little humans. They’re older and impressively self-sufficient, so it’s time to invest in myself and get back to doing the things I love.

I’m on a quest to figure out who I am as an individual. Not as a wife. Not as a mom. Just me. What are my strengths? Weaknesses? Likes? Dislikes? Passions? Fears? Boundaries? Opportunities? There are SOOOO many questions waiting to be answered. 

The one thing I know without a doubt is that I LOVE to travel! My love for travel is deeply ingrained in my being. It’s what I live for. It keeps me sane and grounded. It broadens my worldview and helps me stay in touch with the little moments in life that matter the most. 

I won’t always have time and opportunity to be a solo traveler. It's a privilege I will never take for granted. My hope is that by sharing my travels, life lessons, and joy in the mundane moments, someone somewhere will be inspired to seek adventure and self-fulfillment on this journey we call life. 
