A House With No Windows

I was in a house with no windows. I had no idea there were so many possibilities on the other side of the walls. The only thing I knew is what I could see around me. So I functioned in my surroundings. I organized and reorganized for years. I did my best to keep things tidy and made sure clutter was hidden when guests stopped by. But no matter how hard I tried, I could not keep things clean. There was always dust in the corners. I kept finding dirty laundry in the closets.

I did my very best for as long as I could, but it became too much. I was tired. And then I realized, with the help of my therapist, that I was perfectly capable of keeping a clean home. The problem wasn’t me. It was the house. So I moved…into a house with lots of windows.

Moving sucked. There were so many things I had accumulated over the years that had to be discarded before I could actually pack. But when all was said and done, I moved into my new house, looked out the window, and saw how beautiful the world really was on the other side of the walls. I opened the windows and took in a deep breath. No more dust or dirty laundry. I could finally breathe.


New Adventures. New Instagram.