Eat, Pray, Loving Myself in Peru

Eat, Pray, Love Myself.

That’s how I described the trip. I wasn’t looking for a partner. I was searching for myself.

I had been thinking about it for months but could not wrap my mind around acquiring more debt for a solo vacation. However, as the days to the custody and support trial grew near, I began to stress less about money. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It was a spur of the moment decision. Dos Hijos were with their Dad, so I had five days to make it happen. On Sunday night, I told my oldest son I was going to Peru. I bought a plane ticket on Monday, booked two nights at a hotel on Tuesday, and jumped on a plane to Cusco, Peru on Wednesday afternoon. 

The first day of the trip was uneventful. I spent the day drinking water in bed trying to avoid elevation sickness. During this time of rest, I decided I would step outside my comfort zone for the next five days. I would do all of the things pre-separation me would never do. I would find my voice and muster up any self-confidence I had tucked away. The first mission: Initiate a conversation with a stranger. The movie-kind that says, “You look perfectly okay in solitude, but can I join you?”

I ventured down to the hotel courtyard on the second day. It was time to tackle the first mission. I pondered this task for hours before leaving my room. I knew THE dreaded question would come, and it was right on time — in the first 10 minutes of the conversation. 

“So what do you do?” he asked as he relaxed on the outdoor sofa with a drink in his hand.

I’d awkwardly stumbled through the answer so many times before. I’d always felt a need to give an elevator pitch about my education and work experience. Anything that would prove I was more than a wife and stay at home mom. But this time I came prepared.  

“I’m divorcing a millionaire,” I confidently replied. He smiled and said, “Good for you!”

Finally! After months of trial and error, I’d found an answer that made sense to both me and a complete stranger. The answer was sufficient – no elevator pitch required. We ordered drinks and talked for a few hours before I headed up to bed to prepare for the next day’s adventure.

Mission #1 was complete! 


New Adventures. New Instagram.


Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.