7 Common Mistakes to Avoid when Traveling Solo

Traveling solo is an enriching and empowering experience. It’s a great way to see the world and experience new cultures. However, it's important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to stay safe. Here are some things you should not do when traveling alone. By following these tips, you can help to ensure a safe and enjoyable solo travel experience.

Don’t tell other passengers you’re traveling alone enroute to your destination.

Many people will remind you not to tell someone you’re alone when you get to your destination. Doing so can make you an easy target for scammers or the victim of unwanted advances. But this really should start before you get on the train, bus, or plane. Smart decisions become critical the moment your trip begins. Yes, you speak the same language and are on your way to the same fun destination. But you never know someone’s true intentions. Better safe than sorry. 

Don’t appear to be confused when you’re exiting the airport. 

Catching a ride with a shady driver is not the way you want to start your trip. Metered taxis aren’t a thing in many parts of the world. This makes confused foreigners the perfect prey for cab drivers at the airport waiting for an opportunity to rip you off. Don’t wait until you get to the door to look for help. Ask for help before it’s offered. Airport personnel can usually help you figure out what to do or where to go next. If there’s a language barrier, look for the rental car or money exchange counters. Those agents can generally point you in the right direction. 

Don’t make eye contact with street vendors. 

Eye contact is an open invitation for an interaction. If you weren’t already planning to stop, don’t glance in their direction. If they try to get your attention anyway, ignore them. If they follow you, say no thank you and keep walking. They will eventually move on to the next person. 

Don’t assume children are innocent. 

Pickpocketing is a common petty crime in safe, touristy places. Children might pull at your heart strings, but they’ll also pull out your wallet when you aren’t looking. Always be aware of your surroundings and don’t let your guard down for anyone.

Don’t appear to be lost when you’re lost. 

Getting lost in a foreign place can be scary. Keep calm and wander around confidently until you can either get your bearings or find a safe place to ask for help. Whether walking or driving, stay on surface streets. Avoid wandering into unfamiliar neighborhoods. If you need to stand still for a few minutes to contact someone or check your phone, step into a restaurant or hotel lobby. Stores can be safe as well, but make sure you don’t appear to be loitering or up to no good. 

Don’t be afraid to ask locals for help. 

You’re traveling solo which means you’re independent and capable in most capacities. But don’t let your pride get the best of you. Google is great when it's available, but save yourself some time and ask for help if you need it. Most locals are happy that you are visiting their homes, supporting their communities, and wanting to learn about their culture. They will gladly answer your questions and help you in any way they can. 

Don’t forget to have fun. 

Traveling alone requires more diligence than traveling with a group or partner. You only have one set of eyes, ears, and hands. But don’t become so focused on safety that you miss out on amazing experiences and opportunities. Safety measures will eventually become instinct with proper research and preparation. 

xoxo – Be smart, stay safe, and have fun! 


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