Life Lesson #5

True story: A few years ago, it took me six months of therapy to buy myself a new bra. Six. Whole. Months.

In hindsight, it’s ridiculous that was even a thing. But at the time, it was a real struggle. My job was to make sure the family had everything they needed. I wasn’t my priority, and I didn’t feel like I was worthy of any sacrifices they’d have to make on my behalf.

That restricted mindset is now a thing of the past. I’ve learned that I am worthy of all the good things life has to offer — big and small. Whether it’s a trip to South America, a chocolate bar at the CVS checkout, or an hour watching Netflix in my room, knowing my worth means investing in myself in ways that allow the best parts of me to shine.

When I am happy and healthy, my children thrive. If I want something, they say get it. When I want to go somewhere, they say go. “You do so much for us. It’s ok for you to do something for yourself,” they’ll say.

And I do just that! It’s not because I’ve earned it. It’s not because I deserve it. It’s because I’m worth it.


Life Lesson #6


Life Lesson #4